Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bon Voyage!

In just a few hours we will be on our way to the airport for the long flight to China. The past couple of weeks have definitely been a whirlwind of travel and activity. The days leading up to team orientation were spent traveling with family and spending time with a friend. Throughout these weeks, I've had so many opportunities to visit new places I'd never seen before!

On our drive out to Maryland, we happened upon the Flight 93 National Memorial in Pennsylvania, where United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in a field on Sept. 11, 2001. It was sobering to read the details of what occurred and to remember the events of that infamous day.
Looking down the memorial wall that marks the flight path of the plane just before it crashed.

Later that day, we had the chance to go to Hersheypark. The roller coasters were a lot of fun, the food was overpriced, and the last coaster my siblings and I rode (which was also the craziest) broke down just before the end, leaving us stranded for about ten minutes. All in all, it was a memorable day.

The majority of the next day was spent at Gettysburg, PA. Not knowing what to expect, I was impressed by the size of the historic area. Hundreds of monuments dotted the large field and surrounding forests. The tour guide's explanation of important figures, battle locations, and historical background really brought the area to life.
View from the Confederate side.

Pickett's Charge: View from the Union side facing the Robert E. Lee Monument.

The 16th Michigan Infantry Monument on Little Round Top.

After my family dropped me off in Maryland, I got to spend a few days at my friend's house. We hiked a bit at the very picturesque Great Falls Park on the Potomac River.
Great Falls, Potomac River

And we spent part of a day in Washington, D.C. I had never been to D.C. before so I was very excited. We visited the Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum.
Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum

Amelia Earhart
Then walked around the city for a while. Due to poor weather, we didn't get a chance to visit some of the monuments, but I did get to see some government buildings. I think the Congress building was the most impressive. It was very surreal to see it in person, and much bigger than I expected. The White House on the other hand was oddly a bit underwhelming and a lot smaller than I thought.
U.S. Capitol Building

Library of Congress

National Archives

Pennsylvania Ave.

The White House

And then began our team's orientation and training for teaching in China. Many questions were answered and many of my fears were quieted. I greatly enjoyed getting to know my teammates with whom I will be spending the next year of my life. This endeavor seems daunting at times, but I am so grateful to have a support group who has already been a wonderful encouragement.

As a team, we spent our "fun day" at Mount Vernon, home of George Washington. It was another amazing experience! The grounds are beautiful and it was another great addition to my history-filled mini-vacation.
Mount Vernon-West View
Mount Vernon-Main House

Mount Vernon-East View (from the Potomac River)

Fort Washington

 And....I got to pet a horse. :)
Troy, the Morgan Horse

Farewell from the States!


  1. Hello again from Nathan Van Koevering, How are things going for you? Love the batman pumpkin that is too cool. It sounds and looks like you are having a lot of fun teaching and being at the school. Donkey meat sounds interesting, so does chicken fried in coke. I hope things continue to go well for you in the days and weeks ahead. I really like reading about your new adventures. Have a great week

    1. Life is going well, thanks for asking! It's been quite busy, but still a lot of fun. How are things going for you? Haha, I had a lot of fun making that pumpkin. I'm trying to be more consistent with my updates, so hopefully I can post more soon!
