Thursday, August 7, 2014

The journey begins...

The bags are packed.  Finally.  It was a great deal more difficult than I was anticipating, but that's life.  This is my first time spending an entire year in China.  How do you fit your entire life into one 50-lb. suitcase with everything you want for a year?  Answer: I have no clue.

So, I decided to take two suitcases.  Not the best frugal option, but it does save my sanity somewhat.  Still didn't fit what I wanted to fit, but it does fit what I need.  So I suppose that will be sufficient.  I can  always purchase the additional necessities in China.

Maybe if I keep traveling back and forth enough times, I will finally learn the art of packing.  I know friends who are exceptional packers, and never seem to have this problem.  Personally, I always tend to be an over-packer.  I see it as the need to be prepared wherever I go.  And the dislike of needing to buy something I already have.  But maybe someday I'll figure it out.  For now, not so much.

Thursday morning begins my trip out of state, as we drive towards Maryland.  The first part of the journey has begun.