Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Long Time No See!!!

Sorry I disappeared for so long!!! Things got super busy at the end of last semester, then my two month long vacation without a computer and/or reliable internet happened. But I'm back in good ol' QHD now. And now that the beginning of semester craziness is starting to settle down, I really want to update more here. This semester I have the movie English class for Freshmen and Sophomore English majors that my friend Luke had last semester. I'm sooooo excited for this class. This Sunday, for my first movie I showed 'The Princess Bride'. None of them had heard of it before, but it was a hit! They were laughing hysterically and multiple students told me they really liked it afterward. So I'm glad to start the class on a good note. Hopefully that continues! ^.^

Additionally, I have many many many photos from my vacation to Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Japan. So I hope to share those soon.

Finally. I don't know why, but on a whim, I decided to get an Instagram account. It is much easier to post individual photos over there, so if you would like to follow me and/or see a more daily/weekly offering of photos, feel free to check that out. The link should be: https://instagram.com/suzieq.89
I don't believe you have to have an Instagram account to see those.

And that's it for now!

Here are some photos from our first week back before classes. We bonded over cleaning one of the classrooms we all use for regular classes or English corner. And the one that no one else seems to clean very thoroughly. 'Twas fun.

Being thorough. Cleaning the door that looks like it hasn't been cleaned in a while.

Rita mopping the floor. That floor.....it's not great.

Brittany wiping down the tables. We actually were able to get a lot of the paint stains off, yay!

Cleaning the platform under the board. It was filthy.

And Luke wiping down the tables too.

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